
Maxi Skirts - How to wear

Marc Jacobs


Jil Sander


Richard Chai


According to Jen Mankins of Bird boutique: Four takes on calf modesty.
   1. Opt for a skirt made of a fluid fabric like silk or jersey, which drapes beautifully and has more movement. Stay away from thick woven cotton and wool, which can look heavy and dowdy in a longer skirt.
    2. I like the bohemian feel of pairing printed long skirts with breezy tunics or simple oversize linen T-shirts. Or, for a more modern take, stick with solid colors and more tailored shapes.
   3. If you are very tall, then the longer the skirt, the better—even if it skims the ground. This looks best with flat sandals. But beware: A ground-sweeping skirt gets dirty quickly.
   4. For shorter girls, a floor-length maxi can be tougher to pull off. I suggest a skirt that hits two to eight inches above the ankle. That length also works with a flat sandal but might be cuter with a platform wedge, which lends some height.

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